A Research Project of the Department of Public Health · University of Basel

Durchführung eines integrierten Versorgungsprogramms für Senioren und Seniorinnen im Kanton Baselland

INSPIRE facilitates the development and implementation of an effective and sustainable integrated model of care for older persons on community-level. The model of care is tailored to meet the needs of canton Basel Land. The methodology used in the INSPIRE-project contributes towards the development of evidence-based and cost-effective health care interventions for the older population.

A further output of the study will be a geo-spatial analysis, which will serve as a basis for future strategic planning of health care delivery in Canton Basel Land.

The INSPIRE model of care will have the potential to be scaled up used in other settings. The results of the INSPIRE-Project will be of high value for other health care systems facing similar challenges in the care of older persons.